Pictures at, my dedicated birding site
Lakeside birds at Carr Lake, Salinas, CA
Various birds in Monterey County, CA
A hummingbird in my back yard
Feeder pix: Bird life on the patio
Flowers, lizards, butterflies and anything else
California flowers and other things that stood still
California flowers gallery 2
Exotic locations, parks and preserves
A walk through York, England
Red Rock: A desert canyon near Las Vegas
Hawai'i: Some views of the big island
Albany Pine Bush: Flowers & plants
Big Basin State Park: big trees and other things
Non-java version
Big Sur and Carmel Valley
Non-java version
Pinnacles National Monument
Non-java version
Point Lobos State Park
Non-java version
Some Tahoe Pictures
Sci-Fi conventions
One Ring Convention, Pasadena, CA January 14, 2005.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Farscape convention 2004: with Caludia Black and Ben Browder
Comic-con San Diego 2004: Serenity Movie and Farscape cast
Firefly convention
More pix
Salinas Air Show 2005: With the Thunderbirds
Salinas Air Show 2004: With the Snowbirds and Blue Angels
Salinas Air Show 2003: With the Thunderbirds
Salinas Air Show 2002: With the Blue Angels
Airplanes and airports